The Road to INTERSKI 2027, April 3-10, Vail Mountain, Colorado, USA

CANSI is taking proactive steps to field both a telemark and a cross country demonstration team for the next Interski, to be held in April 2027 at Vail Mountain, Colorado, USA. The team will be part of a larger Canadian delegation of the CSIA, CASI and CADS. The 2027 CANSI Interski Team will comprise a balanced representation of CANSI members. We are excited to announce that the 2027 team will include 12 members plus delegation and coaching staff.

Participation at Interski is central to the continued development and growth of all skiing and snowboarding nations. The exchange and exposure of ideas on technique, methodology and business practices has long been the hallmark of the world’s ski congress. CANSI’s participation as part of a Canadian presence will continue to positively impact our membership and strengthen the greater Canadian snowsports community.


The Interski Congress is a quadrennial meeting of snow sports instructors from around the globe where participating countries showcase the latest developments in ski pedagogy and technique. These developments are shared through

  • on-snow workshops
  • indoor lectures
  • narrated technical demonstrations
  • technical show runs (synchronized skiing)

Interski 2023, held at Levi, Finland, had:

  • Approximately 200 on snow workshops (21 XC , 11 Tele)
  • Approximately 55 indoor lectures (6 XC, 5 Tele)
  • 6 hours per day of workshops
  • 2 hours per day of lectures
  • 45 minutes per day of technical demonstrations

spread over 4.5 days (Wednesday afternoon was excursions)

INTERSKI 2027, Vail, Colorado

CANSI will be sending a delegation to Interski 2027, with representatives from both cross country and telemark disciplines. Up to six demonstrators for telemark and 6 for cross country will be chosen. Other members are invited to attend as observers.


What do participants get out of going:

  • Improved understanding of skiing technique and skiing pedagogy
  • Opportunity to network with your CANSI colleges, skiers from other Canadian associations and instructors from around the world
  • Participation in on snow workshops (up to 9 during the week)
  • Opportunity to deliver an on-snow workshop on behalf of CANSI
  • Participation in indoor lectures
  • Opportunity to deliver an indoor lecture on behalf of CANSI
  • Bring information back to your region and CANSI
  • Participate in the technical demonstration and show run.

What does CANSI get out of INTERSKI

  • Participants will share what they learn at workshops and seminars with the technical committee and the general membership
  • Exposure of CANSI to other skiing organisation within and outside Canada
  • An opportunity to expose CADS, CSIA and CASI to cross country and telemark

Who can go

Any CANSI member is welcome to attend INTERSKI as an observer.

CANSI will choose a demonstration team of six cross country skiers and six telemark skiers through a selection process open to all members: A tentative timeline for this process is

  • February 2025 Interski workshop open to all members
  • March 2025 Team selection
  • May 2025 Team announcement
  • November 2025 Training outline sent to team members
  • January 2026 Training camps (east and west)
  • December 2026 Training camps (east and west)
  • April 2027 Practice on site in Vail
  • April 3 – 10 2027
  • After Interski Reports to CANSI board and technical committee
  • Winter 27/28 Workshops for regions.


The organizing committee has negotiated a price for a hotel package, including 7 nights accommodation plus breakfast, dinner and 6 days lunches at US$2154.00.

Congress registration is US$775.00

Other costs would include

  • Transportation to Vail
  • Uniform

More details can be found at


IF YOU ARE INTERESTED in trying out for a demonstrator position, or in attending as a delegate, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for cross country or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for telemark.


interski 23 xski team

Members of the 2023 cross country demonstration team John Gallagher, Jessica Stichelbout and Karla Wikjord


Interski 23 telemark

The telemark demonstration team in action


interski 23 learning

Opportunities to share and learn

FaLang translation system by Faboba
This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada
Ce projet est financé en partie par le gouvernement du Canada
An agency of the Government of Ontario
Un organisme du gouvernement de l'Ontario